Preventing Falls for Protection and Peace of Mind

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year millions of people age 65 and older fall. One in four older adults fall every year, but less than half tell their doctors. Falling once can double the chances of falling again. Freedom Home Care recognizes the importance of fall prevention and has developed training, oversight and procedures to help reduce the chances of injury.

Freedom Home Care focus on four main components of fall prevention:

  1. Home environment risk factors play a role in about half of all falls. For this reason, during our in-home assessment our Registered Nurses follow the CDC Home Fall Prevention Checklist for Older Adults in ensure the client is living in a safe environment.
  2. Lack of exercise leads to weakness and increases the chances of falling. We encourage exercise and movement. We work with our client’s physician and/or therapist to determine the most appropriate type of exercise program.
  3. Some medications, or combinations of medications, can cause sleepiness or dizziness, increasing the risk for falls.  We provide medication management services to ensure medications are taken properly and inform physicians of any negative side effects of medications. Case Managers can also accompany our clients to appointments as necessary.
  4. Poor vision increases the chance of falling. We provide one-on-one care and stand-by assistance or hands-on assistance with ambulation.


Are you at risk for a fall? Take this quiz from the CDC STEADI program.
