Advocating for Aging Adults

Many people have no family members nearby to serve as an advocate for them, to care for them or to be there for them in an emergency. Freedom Home Care recognizes the importance of advocating for aging adults and has case management as a service to those in need.


In order to get started with services, Freedom Home Care conducts a personalized needs assessment and home inspection. We listen to client concerns and determine the best level of care based on their individual needs.


A formalized plan of care is developed and monitored during case management visits. Ongoing visits assure the case manager is aware of any changes in condition or circumstances that could affect the client’s well-being. Freedom Home Care is committed to providing the best services as promised.


Case Management services may not be available in all communities.


Case Management

Freedom Home Care develops a formalized plan of care, unique to the client’s needs and is monitored during case management visits. This includes:

  • Identifying and coordinating resources and services
  • Coordinating and attending appointments
  • Hospital visits and discharge planning
  • Relocation assistance
  • 24/7 emergency availability
  • Crisis intervention
  • Assessments and consultations
  • Advocacy and education
  • Assisting with health care advanced directives
  • Providing case management reporting

According to the Institute on Aging, the circumstances under which individuals need senior case management can vary. However, the Institute on Aging says case management may be appropriate in the following scenarios:

  • Your senior has limited support from their family, or none at all
  • The senior’s family wants to help, but needs to know the best way to do it
  • The senior has multiple or complicated medical, psychological, financial, or legal issues
  • The senior’s health is at risk if they remain in their present living situation
  • Family members are overwhelmed and frustrated with the need to provide constant care
  • Family member have limited knowledge of the patient’s condition and needs, medical or otherwise
  • Family members disagree about which care solutions are best for the senior
  • The senior themselves wants a change in care providers, but is unsure how to secure them
  • The senior lacks understanding about their housing, medical, financial, or legal situation
  • The senior exhibits signs of dementia, and requires help in coping
  • The family and/or senior wishes to discuss long-term options