Live Successfully at Home

People with Alzheimer’s can live successfully in their homes with the proper safety measures and supports in place. Freedom Home Care can help by providing assistance in adapting the home environment to make it more safe and by offering supervision and care for the client as well as support and respite for family caregivers.

  • One in three seniors dies with Alzheimer’s Disease or another dementia
  • Six in 10 people with dementia will wander
  • 35 percent of caregivers for people with Alzheimer’s or a other dementia report that their health has gotten worse due to care responsibilities, compared to 19 percent of caregivers for older people without dementia
  • More than 16 million Americans provide unpaid care for people with Alzheimer’s or other dementias

The Solution

Step 1 – Needs Assessment & Home Inspection

Freedom Home Care offers a complimentary personalized needs assessment and home inspection to ensure safety in the home. In addition to our regular home inspection that follows the CDC Home Fall Prevention Checklist for Older Adults we check for:

  • Wandering risks—Do you need door locks or buzzers to prevent wandering?
  • Medications—Are medications safely locked away?
  • Cleaning supplies and other chemicals—Are all chemicals locked away?
  • Safe, but supportive—Is the home environment safe, while also encouraging independence and social interaction?

Step 2 – Caregiver Training

A caregiver is carefully chosen based on our needs assessment. We require pre-employment training in Alzheimer’s and dementia. Freedom Home Care also offers Dementia Care certification for caregivers and on-going training.


Step 3 – RN Supervision/Monitor Progress

Once home, a formalized RN Plan of Care is developed and monitored via supervisory visits. This helps track compliance and progress via documentation to ensure we are providing the best services as promised. Each person experiences dementia and Alzheimer’s uniquely. We will continue to monitor the client’s progression and adjust the plan of care as needed