Q: I’m starting to feel a little overwhelmed. When do I know if it’s time to ask for help in caring for my mom?
Most of the time, the point at which we finally accept help caring for a loved one is long after we realize we need help. Typically a stretched caregiver has far surpassed their limits by the time they reach out to another family member, friend or professional caregiver. Typically, professional caregivers are not brought into the picture until the family caregiver is exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. Perhaps the loved one’s needs have suddenly become greater than you realized. Ask yourself these questions: Is mom’s care more complex than I can handle? Do I have time to manage the challenges of care? Do I have the skills to provide the complexities of care? Is my own wellbeing at risk? Adding a professional caregiver to your care team can make all the difference during challenging times of transitions or health issues. Home Care services can help you regain control of your wellbeing while also offering the peace of mind that your loved one is well cared for and safe. Please contact Freedom Home Care at 507-387-HOME (4663) or freedomhomecarellc.com for more details on how home care can help care for you and your mom.
Christine Nessler
Owner/Community Outreach
507.387.HOME (4663)